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End of Year Benefits

End of Year Benefits

End of Year Benefits We understand the end of the year is a very hectic time. But while we look forward to the new, let’s also take stock of how we can improve today — and save! At Kentucky River Medical Center we encourage you to take some time for yourself. Doing so...
General Surgery

General Surgery

General Surgery There’s no place like home.  We understand that having surgery and spending time in a hospital isn’t high on the lists of many people. That’s why we strive to offer outpatient procedures and minimally invasive surgeries — to get you back home as soon...


Hospitalist Hospitalists are physicians who devote their practice to the care of hospitalized patients. They treat hospitalized patients who have been referred by primary care physicians, emergency room physicians or other physicians at the hospital. Hospitalists are...
Infusion Services

Infusion Services

Infusion Services Kentucky River Medical Center’s Outpatient Infusion Service is dedicated to providing patient care. We offer a comfortable and convenient setting for those who require frequent infusions and medications. Infusion services are provided by a staff of...